Student FAQs

Here are some common questions (with answers) about educational research in Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education courses.

What are the credit requirements?

All students who take these courses are required to earn a minimum of three research credits per course.

Is the research requirement mandatory?

Yes, the research requirement is mandatory for everyone in EDU 203, ECE 250, EDSP 411, EDSP 432, EDSP 471, EDRL 474, ESP 701, ESP 730, ESP 722, ESP 771, ECE 709, or TESL 752. Failure to complete the required three credits, will result in a loss of points used to assign your grade (no exceptions).

How are credits earned?

Credits are earned by participating in online or face-to-face research studies, writing summaries of approved articles, or any combination of the two. Unfortunately, due to ethical concerns, if you are under 18 years of age, you may not participate in online or face-to-face research studies. Instead, you will have to complete article summaries.

When are research credits due?

Credits are due by midnight (pacific) on Friday of the last week of classes (not final exam week). Any credit disputes must also be resolved by that same day.

How do I register for research?

  1. Go to [EMS SONA SYSTEM website]
  2. Click on Request Account and fill out the form
  3. Once approved, you can begin participating in online or face-to-face experiments and/or completing article summaries

What happens if no experiments are available?

Unfortunately, sometimes experiments fill up, are completed during the semester, or not available during a semester. If this happens and you have not completed your required research credits, then you must complete the appropriate number of article summaries. Please check your course syllabus for complete instructions.

What should I know about the experiments?

  • Experiments vary in the number of research credits awarded (0.5-3 credits).
  • All experiment information is kept confidential.
  • Online experiments can be accessed through the [SONA System].
  • You are required to give at least 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment (do this on the [SONA Systems website] or by contacting the experimenter directly for that experiment).
  • Experiment appointments are easier to obtain at the beginning of the semester than at the end.

What should I know about the article summaries?

  • Only articles on the article summary form for the [specific class] you are taking may be used for credit.
  • Use the UNLV Library to locate and download an article, read the article, and then complete the [Article Summary Form].
  • Each satisfactory article summary is worth one research credit hour.
  • Use your own words to complete the article summaries (i.e., plagiarism will be reported for disciplinary action).
  • Summaries submitted at the deadline or after the deadline that are deemed unsatisfactory will not be permitted to be resubmitted.

What are the steps to complete an article summary? What should an article summary look like?

Review the article summary instructions for details.

Where are the specific list of approved articles for each class?

[Please see the listing for each class.]

Have Additional Questions?

Please contact the subject pool coordinator at with any additional questions or concerns.